ART 3606: Cross-Cultural Encounters (2024-2025)

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This course critically examines points of artistic contact between the West and the "Other" since the rise of colonialism. We'll consider how colonial occupation, global economic expansion and technological advancement have transformed global visual culture. We’ll take a two-pronged approach, exploring both how Western colonizers appropriated other traditions, and how colonized/impacted cultures (including those of China, Japan, Africa and the early Americas) adapted and appropriated in turn. This course will also consider the ethics of museum display as it pertains to non-Western cultures. Typically offered: Alternate Years.

Term CRN Credits Instructor(s) Days Time Dates Location Open
Winter 20013 5 Katie Kresser
Final: M
1:30PM-3:30 PM
1:00PM-3:00 PM
Art Center 5
Art Center 5
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Restrictions: Freshman students are excluded.
Attributes: Honors Course, Upper-Division, Cultural Understand&Engagement, Writing "W" Course, Ways of Engaging
Grade Modes: (Default) Normal Grading, Audit
Instructional Methods: Traditional
Note: Full Term