EE 2728: Electric Circuits II - Expanded (2024-2025)
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Introduction to source transformations, superposition, and RMS voltages and currents. Additional work with nodal and mesh analysis, power transfer, and both Thevenin's and Norton's theorems with dependent sources. Introduction to second-order circuits (both DC and AC), including resonance, higher-order Bode plots, active filters, and higher order filters. Includes lab problems, design project, circuit simulation and MATLAB. Extra Fee. (Students cannot take both EE 2727 and EE 2728 for credit.) Typically offered: Winter. Fee(s): Engineering Materials Fee
Winter |
20533 |
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Melani Plett
Final: Tu
9:00AM-11:00 AM
12:50PM-2:50 PM
10:30AM-12:30 PM
Otto Miller Hall 226
Otto Miller Hall 246
Otto Miller Hall 246
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Fees: Engineering Materials Fee: $180 (refundable)
Grade Modes: (Default) Normal Grading, Audit
Instructional Methods: Traditional
Note: Full Term
Prerequisites: (EE 2726: C- or better OR EE 2502: C- or better) AND MAT 3237 can be taken concurrently: D or better