BIO 4418: Neurobiology (2024-2025)

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An introduction to the neurosciences, focusing on fundamental concepts and comparative aspects of nervous-system structure and function. Laboratory makes extensive use of invertebrate models to examine the cellular basis of behavior, including neuronal morphology, electrophysiology, and transmitter chemistry. Includes laboratory. Fee(s): Biology Laboratory Fee

Term CRN Credits Instructor(s) Days Time Dates Location Open
Spring 40056 5 Rick Ridgway
1:00PM-2:20 PM
1:00PM-2:20 PM
Bertona 1
16 of 16 seats open
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Fees: Biology Laboratory Fee: $50 (refundable)
Attributes: Upper-Division
Grade Modes: (Default) Normal Grading
Instructional Methods: Blended
Note: Full Term

(BIO 2101: C- or better
AND BIO 2102: C- or better)
OR (BIO 2129: C- or better
AND BIO 2130: C- or better)