CSC 3350: Operating Systems Programming (2024-2025)

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Introduction to operating systems and systems programming. Surveys systems software; operating system interface and functions; utilities and shell programming; linkers and loaders; translators; and processes, concurrency and concurrent programming.

Term CRN Credits Instructor(s) Days Time Dates Location Open
Spring 40470 3 Andy Cameron
2:30PM-3:20 PM
2:30PM-3:20 PM
Otto Miller Hall 128
30 of 30 seats open
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Equivalent: CPE 3350
Crosslisted with: CPE 3350 CRN: 40469
Attributes: Upper-Division
Grade Modes: (Default) Normal Grading, Audit, Pass/No Credit
Instructional Methods: Blended
Note: Full Term

CSC 2431: C- or better
AND (CSC 3750 can be taken concurrently: D or better
OR CSC 3760: D or better
OR EE 3760: D or better
OR CPE 3760: D or better)