PSY 3800: Cognitive Psychology (2024-2025)

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This course examines mental processes and their relationship to behavior from a cognitive psychology perspective. Topics include sensation and perception, memory, encoding and retrieval, concept formation, choice, decision making, problem solving, language, and metacognition. Course content will be presented using both human and animal research models. Discussion includes biological and neurological explanations of cognitive processes. In addition, special attention will be paid to the application of cognitive processes to therapy.

Term CRN Credits Instructor(s) Days Time Dates Location Open
Winter 20247 5 Nicole Zion
Final: Tu
12:50PM-2:50 PM
10:30AM-12:30 PM
Eaton Hall 231
Eaton Hall 231
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Attributes: Upper-Division
Grade Modes: (Default) Normal Grading, Audit
Instructional Methods: Traditional
Note: Full Term

PSY 1180: C- or better