CHM 1212: General Chemistry II (2024-2025)

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The second in a series of three general chemistry courses that cumulatively include properties of matter; atomic, molecular, and electronic structure; chemical bonding; chemical reactions and stoichiometry; thermochemistry; states of matter and properties of solids, liquids, solutions, and gases; chemical equilibrium; acids and bases; kinetics; nuclear chemistry; and electrochemistry. Includes lab. Fee(s): Chemistry Laboratory Fee

Term CRN Credits Instructor(s) Days Time Dates Location Open
Winter 20402 5 Karisa Pierce
Final: M
10:30AM-11:50 AM
10:30AM-12:30 PM
Eaton Hall 112
Eaton Hall 112
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Fees: Chemistry Laboratory Fee: $30 (refundable)
Corequisites: CHM 1212L
Grade Modes: (Default) Normal Grading
Instructional Methods: Traditional
Note: Full Term

CHM 1211: C- or better
AND (Math Placement Level: B or better
OR MAT 0144: C- or better
OR MAT 0145: C- or better)