CSC 3430: Algorithm Design and Analysis (2024-2025)

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Studies algorithmic, problem solving approaches such as greedy, divide and conquer, and dynamic programming. Covers the design and analysis of algorithms for searching, sorting, string processing, table management, and graphs. Includes principles of computational complexity and analysis. Typically offered: Winter.

Term CRN Credits Instructor(s) Days Time Dates Location Open
Winter 20531 4 Carlos Arias Arevalo
9:00AM-10:20 AM
Otto Miller Hall 244
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Attributes: Upper-Division
Grade Modes: (Default) Normal Grading, Audit, Pass/No Credit
Instructional Methods: Traditional
Note: Full Term

CSC 2431: C- or better
AND (MAT 2200: D or better
OR MAT 2360: D or better
OR EGR 2200: D or better)
AND (MAT 1720 can be taken concurrently: D or better
OR MAT 2720 can be taken concurrently: D or better)