Study Skills & Resources

Learn to study smarter with these resources from the Center for Learning.

Check out the resources below and make sure to visit us in Lower Moyer for personalized learning assistance, tutoring, and other resources.

  • Remote Learning
    ​Discover tools and information that can help you navigate remote learning.
  • Time management
    Identify time-management strategies to keep you focused on your academic goals and lead a well-balanced life.
  • Reading
    Try new reading strategies to improve your speed, comprehension, and memory.
  • Listening and concentration
    Sharpen your ability to listen and concentrate by trying strategies that help you take in new information in a meaningful and memorable way.
  • Taking tests
    Learn strategies that can help you be a prepared, confident, and successful test-taker.
  • Research, Reading, & Writing Studio
    The SPU Research, Reading, & Writing Studio serves current students seeking to read, write, and research better. They are located on the main floor of Ames Library. 
  • Note taking
    Try new strategies for taking notes or find ways to evaluate and improve your current note-taking system in order to become faster and more efficient.
  • Self regulation
    Consider new habits and lifestyle strategies that will help you to be an effective learner and a successful student.
  • Memory
    Discover new strategies for learning and structuring information in a memorable way.
  • Learning styles
    Everyone has different strengths and preferences for how they take in and process information. Identify your preferred learning style and find strategies to adapt your learning style in an environment that may not be a natural fit.
  • Subject-specific strategies
    Find learning strategies specific to your subject of study, including math, general science, accounting, religion, computer science, and chemistry.
Speech bubbles SPU Research, Reading & Writing Studio

SPU Research, Reading, & Writing Studio

The SPU Research, Reading, & Writing Studio is ready to assist you in all aspects of the writing process.