Anjali Vattem


What is your major?
Major: Social Justice & Cultural Studies (prelaw and human rights policy)

What is something you wish everyone knew about your major?
My major was in Social Justice & Cultural Studies with a concentration in prelaw and human rights policy, which is still a relatively new major that goes in depth with the injustices the world faces. I wish I had known about my major entering college. I didn’t realize that there is so much beyond seeing the struggles and inequities people continue to live through. 

What was your most impactful class or professor?
Throughout the course of this major, the most impactful professor was Dr. Um, assistant professor of English and cultural studies. She brought in the light and insight of how Asian Americans are treated within the world. Not many realize that Asian Americans go through a lot of hardships, but it is important to take note that everyone goes through it not just one minority group.

What are you excited for in your future career?
I hope to be an attorney in the next year. I am planning on taking a gap year after graduation, so fall 2024 for law school. I am excited to do more internships and work-related things in the field of law.

What advice do you have for incoming students?
For new incoming SPU students, I say enjoy your college years. I started my first year at SPU when COVID happened, so it was hard to make friends, but I say join all the clubs you can, form study groups, and most of all be yourself. Don't change for anyone because you will realize the true friends you make in your college years which goes by so fast.

How have you grown during your time at SPU?
Overall, for me at my time at SPU, it was a different mix of emotions. Doing online schooling for the first year, the second year having to wear masks, and my final year, I studied abroad, which was my most cherished memory. I am forever grateful and the opportunity that SPU gave me. I am now ready for the next chapter in my life and can't wait to see what God does for me until then.