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Appropriate and Sustainable Engineering

From renewable energy to local water treatment systems, sustainable engineering meets today’s needs without compromising the future. Be a part of the solution with a minor in Appropriate and Sustainable Engineering at SPU.

Learn more about Appropriate and Sustainable Engineering



All of SPU’s engineering degrees (Mechanical Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Computer Engineering, and General Engineering) are accredited by the Engineering Accreditation Commission of ABET.


Why Engineering at SPU?

You can study engineering at many good universities. But at SPU, you’ll learn how to apply what you learn to serve others and make a real difference in the world.


Why Computer Science at SPU?

You can study Computer Science or Information Systems at many good universities. But at SPU, you’ll learn how to apply what you learn to serve others and make a real difference in the world.


Engineers Without Borders?

SPU students are involved in organizations like Engineers Without Borders, focused on bringing engineering-based solutions to challenges such as clean water, sustainable power, and Third World sanitation.


Join the Largest Engineering Association

The IEEE/EAS club is a great way for SPU students to get involved in the world’s largest professional association for the advancement of technology.


From Robotics to Prosthetics ...

Mechanical Engineering gives you hands-on experience designing systems that improve the lives of people everywhere. And that’s just a start.

Learn about the Mechanical Engineering major


All Systems Go!

What does it take to create the next big technical innovation? SPU engineering students are working together to find out.


All of SPU’s engineering degrees (Mechanical Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Computer Engineering, and General Engineering) are accredited by the Engineering Accreditation Commission of ABET.


Clubs: Get Plugged In!

It’s a big world out there. Find out which clubs to get involved in through SPU’s Engineering and Computer Science program.


Curriculum Details

Need to know about curriculum, requirements, and schedules? You’ll find it all in the Engineering and Computer Science sections of the latest catalog.



Can I get a scholarship? They’re available for prospective, current, and transfer students in the Engineering and Computer Science department.


Transfer Engineering Scholarship

The Transfer Engineering Scholarship through the National Science Foundation has ended.


SERVE Grants

Want to work with a nonprofit? A SERVE grant can help pay for an internship there.


Why I Teach at SPU

Melani Plett, Professor of Engineering

“I teach engineering at SPU because here I have the privilege to help each of my students along the path of developing his/her skills, interests, and abilities so that God can accomplish his purposes in us, our community, and in our world. As engineers, we can be God’s hands and feet to provide the goods, services, and care that are so needed.”


Why I Teach at SPU

Elaine Weltz, Assistant Professor and Chair, Computer Science

“I enjoy teaching because I love to watch students experience that ‘Aha!’ moment of victory that comes from solving the puzzle that is computer programming. The most gratifying part of my SPU experience is watching — and helping — students grow and mature from beginning programmers into computing professionals.”


Why I Teach at SPU

Aaron Dingler, Associate Professor of Computer Engineering

“I teach at SPU because I get to work closely with students on interesting problems. At SPU, our small class sizes, faculty advising model, and opportunities to collaborate on research projects allow students and me to share our passion for computing.”


Why I Teach at SPU

Kevin Bolding, Director of Engineering and Computer Science Programs; Associate Professor of Electrical Engineering

“I love teaching because it gives me a chance to shape the next generation of engineers and computer scientists — people who will truly change the world. In the classroom and in advising meetings, I have a chance to challenge students not only to work to their full potential, but also to analyze and evaluate what projects to work on to best serve God.”


Why I Teach at SPU

Adam Arabian, Associate Professor and Chair, Mechanical Engineering

“Before coming to SPU I spent 15 years in industry, and being here allows me to help prepare young engineers to make the transition from theory to practice in a way that’s only possible in a small, dynamic program.”

Why I Work at SPU

Kate Janzen, Microsystems Analyst

“I work at SPU because of the people I get to help, whether it’s students, coworkers, or professors.”

Why I Teach at SPU

Daniel Keene, Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering

“I love teaching at SPU because I get to help equip students with valuable skills and show them how they can glorify God and serve others through engineering!”

Why I Teach at SPU

Jeff Norton, Engineering Shop Technician, Adjunct Faculty

“I teach at SPU because the University has a passion for the highest quality Christian education, which I share. The faculty, staff, and students are committed to excellence, which provides for a very collaborative and high performing environment.”

Why I Teach at SPU

Don Peter, Associate Professor of Electrical Engineering, Washington State Licensed Professional Engineer

“I teach because I have been privileged to see how investing in students both technically and spiritually reaps lifelong results in their lives and great personal joy. Many relationships endure beyond the short, though intense, time we spend together here.”

Why I Teach at SPU

Mike Tindall, Professor of Computer Science

“I teach at SPU because with the increasingly important and pervasive role of computing technologies in all aspects of our society, I believe it is imperative to prepare students as technically excellent individuals with the strong Christian moral and ethical foundation that enables them to shape and influence computing development in ways that result in correct, stable, efficient, appropriate, and secure applications and environments.”

Yisel Navarro

Student Story: Yisel Navarro

From an early interest in math and science to SPU’s engineering program, Yisel Navarro always had a pretty good idea of her path.