2019 Summer Intensives

2019 Summer Intenswives
Join current students, alumni, and community members for stimulating courses from Seattle Pacific Seminary this June:

THEO 6240: English Bible Exegesis: Women in Scripture (3 credits)

June 10-14, 2019, 9:00 am-4:00 pm | Drs. Laura Holmes & Sara Koenig

This course will introduce students to the practice of close reading by examining the stories of women throughout Scripture. By focusing on both commonalities in biblical women’s experiences and the unique accounts of individuals, students will gain an appreciation of the depth and breadth of Scripture’s witness for all.

THEO 6952: Burning Issues: Conversations on Multicultural Worship (1 credit)

June 15, 9:00 am-4:00 pm | Drs. Matt Sigler & Esau McCaulley

This course will be held in conjunction with the Center for Worship and the Arts’ “Convergent Conference” which will explore multicultural worship in a fragmented age. Students will participate in a morning worship service and plenary followed by a break-out session led by Dr. Esau McCaulley, assistant professor of New Testament and Early Christianity at Northeastern Seminary who will join Wheaton College in the Fall of 2019. Dr. McCaulley’s scholarly research and writing focuses on Pauline theology and intersection of race and Christian identity.

THEO 6741: Evangelism and Mission (3 credits)

June 17-21, 9:00 am-4:00 pm | Dr. Laceye Warner

Focuses on different paradigms and practices in evangelism and mission throughout the history of the Christian church, as well as different theological and literary approaches to understanding and communicating the good news of the kingdom of God. Attention will be given to sociological and cultural influences of postmodernism on popular culture. Equips students to generate new strategies for engaging the emerging generation with the gospel.

THEO 6740: Preaching (3 credits)

June 24-28, 9:00 am-4:00 pm | Dr. Scott Dudley

Introduces the student to the theological context and practical dynamics of preaching. This course centers on preparation methods, presentation skills and critical review experienced in actual preaching by the students in the class sessions. Competencies include public speaking/proclamation, coherent organization and convincing presentation, theological understanding and solid biblical interpretation and vocational readiness. May be repeated for credit up to 6 credits.

Posted: Thursday, March 28, 2019