Last year, I had the opportunity to participate in a leadership development program with other young adults from ministries from around the country. I hadn’t been in a group learning environment since I graduated from SPU in 2009, and participating in readings and discussions made me excited to learn again. I have learned so much from my job in ministry, but I realized I was ready to enter back into a formal setting. While I felt content to think about and wait in the possibility, my mentor encouraged me to step out in boldness and faith. "God is big!" she said. Because anything holding me back was based in fear, I decided to trust that God would provide.
I learned that I shouldn’t have been afraid. My job ended up shifting easily into part-time work to make room for school in my schedule, and I began at SPU Seminary last fall.
A highlight of my time in the program so far was the pre-autumn course at Camp Casey. The incoming class was all together, and we had the opportunity to share about our lives, learn together, and play together. One night there was a lightning storm, and we watched it from the balcony of one of the dorms. Camp Casey was a great setting for beginning to build relationships with classmates.
Another highlight of the program is the overlap between what I learn in class and work. I work with kids and their mothers in a residential recovery program, and the relationships I have built have inspired my faith. I am reminded day after day that we all come from unique situations and of the healing that comes with stability and trust. I have learned that a ministry of presence is often more important than having all of the answers. Every week there is something that carries over from a class discussion to a situation at work. It has and continues to be a challenge to learn the art of balancing work and school at the same time, but I continue to feel encouraged by the overlap between the two and know there is deep purpose in this season.
During my time at SPU, I have learned that faith is not a formula — it is not confidence in something because I already know it will work or because it is necessarily logical. I learn more about this every day at SPU. Faith is confidence, hope, and trust. God doesn’t base anything on my ability to understand, perform, or accomplish. He has revealed himself to us, and that is why I can trust in him and have faith.
After graduation, I plan to continue working in ministry with families and the community.