During the school year (i.e., from the day classes begin in the Fall to the last day of classes in the Spring), SPU students, employees, and guests may park in Commuter parking lots (with the exception of the S lot) without a parking permit from 6 p.m.–7 a.m., Monday through Friday, and all day on Saturday and Sunday. During the summer, the lots are open, but long-term summer parking is not available. At no time may any person park in a disabled space, a fire lane, or a reserved space (i.e., any numbered space) without permission—these restrictions are enforced 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
What if I have to drive a different car to campus?
If you are changing your vehicle to a different one than the one you have registered with our department, you must submit your new vehicle information into the Parking Account Change form. By doing this, our Parking Patrol can avoid ticketing the new vehicle, and we can locate you should the need arise. If your regular car is out of commission, due to mechanical problems, a temporary e-permit will be issued. Please fill out the Temporary Vehicle form to complete this process. Once it has been verified that you have purchased a valid permit for the current quarter, your information will be updated on our end.
How and when do I pay for parking?
For Students, charges will be placed on your account in Student Financial Services. You will not be charged until you are issued a billing confirmation via email. Faculty/Staff will see monthly deductions begin the following month on their payroll.
How are parking assignments determined?
Currently, SPU uses a priority system for deciding the parking assignments since the demand for permits cannot always be met by available space:
- The date the application is received in our office
- Residence (for residential students only)
- Special considerations (medical reasons, off-campus job, etc.)
According to the priority system, we will assign people to the lots accordingly. Anyone not receiving a permit in the beginning moves onto a waiting list and will be assigned as soon as spaces become available according to the waiting list. After the cut-off date on the registration, first priority will be changed to the date the application is received.
What should I do if someone parks in my assigned stall?
If you find that someone has parked in your assigned stall, please contact the Office of Safety and Security immediately at (208) 281-2922. Provide the vehicle’s make, model, color, and license plate number, along with the exact location of your stall.
Important: Do not park in another numbered stall without being directed by the dispatcher, who will check to see which stalls are available. Doing so may lead to a chain reaction of parking issues, and you will be held responsible for any citations issued for parking in someone else’s stall. If no other stalls are available in the area, the dispatcher may assign a temporary space as close to your residence or assigned stall as possible.
When you call, the dispatcher will collect the vehicle details, send an officer to issue a ticket, and contact the vehicle’s owner to request that they move. Additionally, a temporary parking space (usually for 24 hours) will be assigned to you.
If this issue happens repeatedly, continue to report it each time. We reserve the right to tow vehicles parked in assigned spaces without prior notice. Stall Changes are available to request via the Parking Account Change (Vehicle, Permit, Residence, or Stall) form. For more details, please refer to our Parking Regulations.
Where do I place my day pass?
Day Pass permits must be placed on the vehicle's dashboard.
When will I know what space I have received?
Once your parking application has been processed, you will receive an email confirmation that will include your approved lot and stall. The time frame for receiving this stall assignment is dependent on the time of year. If you are applying before or at a quarter start, you can expect your stall assignment before the first day of classes. For the rest of the year, you will receive it within 7 business days of the application's submission.