Juliet Williams

graduateWhat is your major?
Major: Political Science (public policy & law). Minor: Psychology

What was your most impactful class or professor?
One of the most impactful classes I had during my academic journey was Constitutional Law, taught by Dr. Henry, associate professor of political science. This course challenged me in unexpected ways, pushing me to examine various perspectives critically. In particular, I was tasked with writing an amicus curie brief for the Dobbs v. Jackson case, which compelled me to support a side that I was morally opposed to. This assignment broadened my understanding and enhanced my analytical skills.

Another profoundly impactful experience, both professionally and personally, was my legislative internship with Senator Noel Frame in Olympia, Washington. This internship took place during my final quarter at SPU. Not only did it provide me with essential professional skills, but it also shed light on the value of bipartisanship at the state level. Previously, I had envisioned constant political friction between parties, so it was refreshing to witness instances where collaboration and cooperation prevailed.

What are you excited for in your future career?
Looking ahead to my future career, I am thrilled to be attending Georgetown Law after graduation. Embarking on my journey this fall, I am filled with eagerness and excitement. I firmly believe that the opportunities and experiences I had at SPU have prepared me well for the challenges and growth that await me at Georgetown. I am enthusiastic about forging new connections, both personal and professional, while continuing to develop individually, academically, and professionally.