E: sasinfo@spu.edu
P: 206-281-2031
O: Demaray Hall 151

Acceptance of Two-Year Degrees

Whether or not you transfer with an associate’s degree, we will appropriately transfer your coursework to ensure that you earn your SPU bachelor’s degree as quickly and efficiently as possible. 

If you intend to complete an associate’s degree before transferring to SPU, talk to an admissions or academic counselor to ensure that you choose the degree that best fits your plans. 

If you plan to transfer when you have 20 credits or fewer to complete toward a Direct Transfer Agreement (DTA) associate degree from a Washington state community or technical college, see information below about SPU's reverse transfer agreement.

Transfer student image

Transfer Course Equivalency Guide

Find out how academic credits you received from other institutions and approved testing programs typically transfer to SPU.

Students outside talking

Transfer Student Hub

Find everything you need for your transfer journey — academics, campus life, financial aid, and more.