E: sasinfo@spu.edu
P: 206-281-2031
O: Demaray Hall 151


Official transcripts can be released to students upon request. Transcripts are released only through electronic authorization (via the Banner Information System) of the student whose records are requested. Although a copy of the transcript may be requested at any time, updated transcripts will be available after final grades have been submitted and recorded.

Transcripts contain a student’s entire academic history while at SPU.

  • Below college level work (0001–0999 courses)
  • Undergraduate work (1000–4999 courses)
  • Professional advancement courses (5000–5999)*
  • Graduate work (6000–7999)
  • Continuing education units (CEU, or non-degree work)

Undergraduate, graduate, doctoral, below college, and CEUs are segregated on separate pages of the SPU transcript.

*The 5000-level designation is designed to accommodate a range of post-baccalaureate and professional development courses. Some of these courses are appropriate to graduate study. For inclusion in graduate programs, individual courses must be approved by the school or division. No more than six credits of 5000-level courses may be applied to any graduate degree. Individual programs may set lower limits. Exceptions in excess of the 6-credit limit can be made only with the approval of the Curriculum Committee and Provost on recommendation of the School or Division dean. 5000-level courses may not be applied to an undergraduate degree.

To order an official transcript, students can make requests by accessing the Banner Information System and selecting the “Student Menu” then “Academic Records Menu” then “Official Transcripts and Enrollment Verifications.”  Following the “Click Here” prompt will direct the student to the National Student Clearinghouse website. Credit card payment is required.

To view an unofficial transcript, students can access the Banner Information System and select the “Student Menu” then “Academic Records Menu” then “Unofficial Transcript.”

To print or save an unofficial transcript as a PDF:

  • Click the three vertical dots at the top of the screen
  • Click "Print"
  • Send to your printer or choose "Save as PDF" as the destination

For more extensive information about ordering transcripts, see Student Academic Services.

A primary function of the Registrar's Office is to uphold academic integrity by ensuring that records of a student's course registration, course completion, and grades are accurate and comprehensive. Therefore, academic history data are not subject to erasure by request under the European Union General Data Protection Regulations or any other regulation.