E: sasinfo@spu.edu
P: 206-281-2031
O: Demaray Hall 151

Curriculum for Special Programs

Students in the Professional Studies program, who are identified as participants in this program at the time of admission to the University, follow an alternative general education curriculum, called the Curriculum for Special Programs. 

If you are completing the curriculum for special programs, you must adhere to policies, complete requirements, and fulfill competency areas listed below under Graduation Requirements. This alternative curriculum does not replace the University Foundations requirements.

In addition to the graduation requirements outlined below, it is important for you to be aware of the standards related to completion of a minor, limitations on credit toward a degree, and transfer policies.

Graduation requirements

All students completing a first bachelor’s degree at Seattle Pacific University are governed by the following requirements and policies:

  • A minimum 180 college-level, quarter credits.
  • At least 60 credits earned in upper-division (UD) courses (those numbered 3000–4999).
  • At least 45 college-level credits earned in residence as a matriculated student. (Credits earned by examination do not satisfy the residence requirement.)
  • At least 25 of the final 45 credits for the degree must be earned from Seattle Pacific University, with the exception of approved study abroad credit.
  • A cumulative grade point average of at least 2.0 in all coursework applicable to the degree.
  • A cumulative grade point average of at least 2.0 in all college-level courses taken at Seattle Pacific University.
  • With the exception of courses from pre-approved study abroad programs, no more than 30 credits may be earned from another institution after a student has matriculated at SPU.
  • You may not take courses concurrently from SPU and another institution during the regular academic year (autumn through spring quarters) unless participating in an approved study abroad program.
  • “Pass” grades do not fulfill requirements in the major or minor, or in the General Education curriculum.
  • Satisfactory completion of an academic major. (Student in the Professional Studies Program complete a minor at SPU rather than a major.)
  • All degree requirements for a major or minor are determined by the Undergraduate Catalog in effect for the quarter in which you are accepted to the major or minor.
    • For example, if you are accepted to a major in Autumn Quarter 2021, you are subject to all major requirements listed in the 2021–22 Undergraduate Catalog.
  • If this is your first quarter at SPU and you identified an open enrollment major as your first choice on your application for admission to the University, you have gained entry to the major. To change or add a major or minor, follow these instructions.
  • Transfer students who enter as juniors or seniors who are pursuing a limited enrollment major should apply to the program as soon as they are eligible based on that major's admission policies and procedures.
  • Professional Studies majors should apply for their minor in their first quarter at SPU.
  • Apply for entrance to your intended major or minor in Banner by following these instructions.

Policies and procedures related to application for graduation and degree posting:

  • You must be accepted into a major prior to applying for graduation. (Professional Studies students must be accepted into a minor rather than a major.)
  • You are responsible for applying for graduation. Apply through the Banner Information System by selecting Student Menu then Graduation Menu. For application deadlines, see the Graduation section of this catalog.
  • You may change your application for graduation, but you should notify your undergraduate academic counselor of the change at least one quarter in advance of the previous intended quarter of graduation.
  • The quarter in which you complete your final degree requirements is the term that will be listed as the quarter you earned your degree.
  • Your degree will not be posted to your academic transcript, nor will your diploma be ordered, until all requirements are completed, including any outstanding I and N grades.

“W” requirement

Students completing the Curriculum for Special Programs must fulfill the University "W" Requirement

Mathematics placement

Appropriate placement in mathematics courses depends upon your intended major, as well as eligibility criteria.

Eligibility can be demonstrated through an SAT or ACT math score, transfer of an approved college course, or through SPU's placement exm. Find out more about Mathematics Placement requirements.

General Education requirements

University Foundations

(10–15 credits)

Note: If you enter with freshman or sophomore standing, you must complete UFDN 1000, UFDN 2000, and UFDN 3100.

If you enter SPU with junior or senior standing (90 transferable credits or more), you are required to take only UFDN 3001 and UFDN 3100.

Academic Inquiry and Writing

(3–5 credits)

Choose from among the following courses:

WRI 1000: Academic Inquiry and Writing Seminar (5)

WRI 1100: Disciplinary Research and Writing Seminar (5)

    Social Sciences (WKSS)

    (10 credits)

    Choose from among the following courses.

      Natural Sciences (WKFS and/or WKAS)

      (10 credits total)

      Fundamental Sciences (WKFS)

      Applied Sciences (WKAS)

      Quantitative Reasoning (WKQR)

      (5 credits)

      Choose from among the following courses.

      Arts (WKA)

      (10 credits)

      Choose from among the following classes.

      Humanities (WKH)

      (10 credits)

      Choose from among the following courses.

      Studying in Library

      Special programs: Graduation requirements

      Stay on track to graduate with this graduation requirements checklist for students in special programs.


      File your FAFSA by the priority deadline to ensure you receive the most help possible.