E: sasinfo@spu.edu
P: 206-281-2031
O: Demaray Hall 151

Internship Placement and Supervision

The School of Education arranges all September Experience, Methods labs, and Internships/student teaching placements. Students may suggest potential sites but are not allowed to set up their own placements. 

Specific information can be found in the Residency Certification Handbook on the Teacher Education Canvas site. 

Internship professional expectations

As a student, you are responsible for keeping the School of Education informed regarding any changes that will impact your certification program. You are also responsible for responding to queries from the placement and the certification offices. Failing to respond when requested may jeopardize your placement in the P–12 schools.

Specific expectations regarding professional behavior can be found in the Residency Certification Handbook.

Time Schedule: Education

Course planning

Suggested course sequences help you complete your degree in a timely manner.