“Overview of Incredible Years Programs and Adaptations for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)”
Featuring Carolyn Webster-Stratton, PhD, MSN, MPH, professor emeritus University of Washington, licensed clinical psychologist, founder of the Incredible Years Intervention
The field of clinical psychology has developed powerful and effective tools for treating children with conduct problems and increasing their positive social and emotional development. Behavioral problems are common and normative in very young children and typically decrease as children’s cognitive, emotional and self-regulation skills increase during the preschool years. However, some children’s early conduct problems persist and increase over time, requiring intervention services. Earlier interventions are known to be most effective in abating these behavioral issues.
This presentation will provide information about the Incredible Years intervention, an evidence-based intervention for young children with conduct problems, that has been shown to be effective across multiple contexts, cultures, and clinical populations. The presentation will go on to describe critical elements of the intervention, including training groups for parents and children. The intervention has been modified for use with children with ADHD, conduct disorders, and, most recently, children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD).
The presentation will conclude by providing information and techniques for working with children with ASD who also have conduct problems and their families.
CE learning Objectives
Following this presentation, participants will be able to:
- Describe and apply two research findings from the Incredible Years program for children.
- Describe and apply two techniques for using the Incredible Years for children with conduct problems.
- Describe and implement two techniques for modifying the Incredible Years for children with ASD who also have conduct problems.
- Describe and implement two techniques for helping parents and teachers of children with ASD work more effectively with their children.
Schedule: Sunday, May 15, 2022, 2–4 p.m. (Pacific Time)
- 2–2:05 p.m.: Introduction of speaker
- 2:05–2:35 p.m.: Presentation by Dr. Webster-Stratton
- 2:35–4 p.m.: Question-and-answer session with speaker
About the presenter
Carolyn Webster-Stratton, PhD, MSN, MPH is professor emeritus and founder of the Parenting Clinic at the University of Washington School of Nursing. She is a licensed clinical psychologist, a pediatric nurse-practitioner, and a leading expert on parenting, family therapy, and promoting young children’s social and emotional competence at home and at school. She has published several books for professionals, parents, and children.
In addition, she has conducted more than a dozen randomized control group research trials and publications concerning prevention and treatment programs for children with oppositional defiant disorder and ADHD. She produced "The Incredible Years®: Parents, Teachers, and Children" training series, which has been translated into 15+ languages and is currently used in 28 different countries.
Learn more about the Incredible Years programs here.
Learn more about the empirical research, including replications by other researchers, supporting the Incredible Years Programs by following this link to view PDF copies of this research.
Target Audience
This presentation is intended for licensed mental health workers, psychologists, and graduate student trainees. The instructional level of this presentation is beginner. APA CEs are offered for licensed psychologists.
Continuing Education
- The Department of Clinical Psychology at Seattle Pacific University is approved by the American Psychological Association to sponsor continuing education credit for psychologists. The Department of Clinical Psychology at Seattle Pacific University maintains responsibility for this program and its content.
- This program provides two (2) hours of CE credits. We are not charging for the CEs but are asking for a donation of $10 per CE for a total of $20.
- Full attendance with video display is required to obtain CE credit for this program. APA guidelines do not permit CPY to issue partial CE credits. No refunds are provided for CE programs. No exceptions allowed.
- There is no known commercial support for this program.
If you would like CE credit for attending, please email Julianne Myers in advance of of the event: jmyers@spu.edu.
Donations for CEs should be directed to the Initiative for Individuals with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities. Donations for CE credits should be provided before the event begins.
TO DONATE: Click the link and select the option for Initiative for Individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities. Donate here for APA CEs.
All donations will be used to fund future community events about disabilities and scholarships for Clinical Psychology students who plan to work with individuals with disabilities.

CE Quiz
The CE Quiz can be found at the Qualtrics link below. The quiz will not be active until the time of the event and will remain active for one hour after the event. You must earn a score of at least 75% on this quiz to receive the CE.
It is suggested that you start the quiz at the beginning of the presentation and answer questions as information is shared by the speaker. You may retake the quiz as many times as needed to obtain a score of 75%.
The Qualtrics survey.
Questions should be directed to Julianne Myers at jmyers@spu.edu.