Seattle Pacific University’s School of Psychology, Family, and Community presents Voices of Autism: Individuals, Families, and Professionals.
This annual event is sponsored by the SPU Initiative for Individuals With intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (IIIDD).
Incredible Years Programs and Adaptations for Children With Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)
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Day at a glance:
2–3:30 p.m.: Talk
3:30–4 p.m.: Question and Answer

Carolyn Webster-Stratton, PhD, MSN, MPH, is professor emerita and founder of the Parenting Clinic at the University of Washington School of Nursing. She is a licensed clinical psychologist, a pediatric nurse-practitioner, and a leading expert on parenting, family therapy, and promoting young children's social and emotional competence at home and at school. She has published books for professionals, parents, and children, and conducted more than a dozen randomized control-group research trials and publications concerning prevention and treatment programs for children with oppositional defiant disorder and ADHD. She has had extensive clinical and research experience in helping teachers and families manage children’s behavior and developmental problems with the goal of strengthening social and emotional competence and school readiness skills and reducing conduct problems. She has produced the “Incredible Years®: Parents, Teachers and Children” training series, which consists of over 70 training DVDs to be used with teachers, parents, and children. These programs have been translated into 10 languages. Currently there are eight accredited trainers, 75 mentors, and 110 peer coaches providing training and support in 23 countries. She has received numerous national awards for her interventions and research.
Keynote overview:
Incredible Years Programs and Adaptations for Children With Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)
This presentation will briefly summarize the Incredible Years Programs (IY), their goals, methods, processes, and implementation. The IY Basic Parent Program will be briefly highlighted to illustrate how this program lead to the adaptations of the Parent and Teacher Programs for Children with ASD. Examples of video vignettes will be shown to demonstrate how the ASD program is used to promote parent and teacher collaborations, problem solving, and developmentally appropriate practices. Academic, social, and emotional coaching teaching methods will be discussed, as well as the importance of imitation, sensory and pretend play, nonverbal gestures, and visual supports. The rationale for the ABCs of behavior change, prompting, and spotlighting for enhancing the development of children with ASD will be reviewed.
Learning Objectives
• To adapt elements of the basic IY parenting program for children with ASD.
• To integrate video modeling and experiential learning to enhance parent and teacher training.
• To tailor the verbal and nonverbal communication methods according to the specific developmental level of each child.
• To build teacher and parent support networks to manage children’s behavior problems.
Questions? Julianne Myers (
To make a $5 donation, please visit the SPFC donation page and select the option for "initiative for individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities."

Continuing Education
APA CEs are offered for licensed psychologists. The Department of Clinical Psychology at Seattle Pacific University is approved by the American Psychological Association to sponsor continuing education credit for psychologists. The Department of Clinical Psychology at Seattle Pacific University maintains responsibility for this program and its content. Click here for more info on CE for this event.
If you would like CE credit for attending, please email Julianne Myers in advance of of the event:
This program provides two (2) hours of CE credits. We are not charging for the CEs but are asking for a donation of $10 per CE for a total of $20. Full attendance with video display is required to obtain CE credit for this program. APA guidelines do not permit CPY to issue partial CE credits. No refunds are provided for CE programs. No exceptions allowed. There is no known commercial support for this program.
CE donations should be directed to the Initiative for Individuals with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities. When registering and making a donation, select the drop-down for Individuals with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities. All donations will be used to fund future community events about disabilities and scholarships for Clinical Psychology doctoral students who plan to work with individuals with disabilities.