
Master of Education in Teacher Leadership
Program Launches

masters program

With changing schools comes an increased need for leadership at all levels. To help meet this need, the School of Education has launched a new degree program: the Master of Education in Teacher Leadership.

This new degree centers teachers in the dual spheres where their influence is most valuable -- in the classroom with their students, as well as at the school level with their peers. Teacher-leaders operate in a variety of formal and informal roles, with a firm focus on increasing student achievement.

The program leverages action research in both classrooms and schools, and in this program teacher-leaders prepare to increase their knowledge and skill through examination of research and current educational practices.

Cohorts can be formed in local school districts when 10 or more teachers commit to the degree, allowing a district-university partnership that strengthens local improvement efforts. Participants have the option of using their second level certification (ProTeach) preparation as a portion of the degree program through the Center for Professional Learning. Classes are offered in a variety of formats, leveraging online and hybrid sessions.

For more information, contact Dr. Tracy Williams ( or Ted Hiemstra (