University Tutors for Seattle Schools
University Tutors for Seattle Schools (UTSS) is a Washington State Nonprofit Corporation that provides paid undergraduate and graduate tutors to elementary, middle and high schools in Seattle Public Schools (SPS). Tutors are hired based on skills identified by schools, and once placed, are directed by the principal and his or her appointed coordinator for the duration of the contracted school year.
UTSS is seeking part-time tutors for the current school year. Tutors are placed in one of 17 partner schools throughout Seattle. Pay starts at $16 an hour. UTSS hires tutors to be entered into a pool and once positions come available, tutors are matched with schools. UTSS has many positions that will be available in January and February 2018. Each UTSS contract is individualized to fit the specific school’s needs and thus, tutoring duties and responsibilities, and pay will vary based on placement. However, tutors are typically supporting instruction and intervention during the school day and working alongside classroom teachers or content-area specialists. View the job description and apply.
Please direct questions to Liz Ryan UTSS Program Director
SPU Professor
Greg Fritzberg can also facilitate questions as SPU’s UTSS Liaison