
A Message From the Dean

A couple of years ago the School of Education revised its “Conceptual Framework” (CF) as part of our preparation for an accreditation review. The CF is a document that succinctly presents the mission statement for the School of Education along with four specific commitments -- Service, Leadership, Competence, and Character. During the CF revision discussions I was especially heartened by the desire of faculty to include a clear declaration of our faith commitment as we engage in the preparation of teachers, counselors, administrators, and other educational professionals.

As a result of our discussion we adopted the following language as part of the CF:

The School of Education’s mission statement and the mission statement and education plan of Seattle Pacific University share a common commitment to themes, informed by our Christian faith and values as articulated in Micah 6:8: “And what does the LORD require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.”

At the heart of this statement is the belief that the education of children and youth provides the opportunity to “act justly and love mercy.” At their best, schools have potential to provide equal opportunity for all learners and to provide them with knowledge, skills, and character that lead to rich and meaningful lives. Quality education for all can be the great equalizer.

In this latest edition of On Point, we share how faculty, students, and alumni are carrying out their vision to “act justly and love mercy.” Please let us know what you think, and feel encouraged to share your own stories.

Rick Eigenbrood Rick Eigenbrood, Dean
School of Education