Posters, Tables, Sandwich Boards



Posters around campus are a popular way of increasing visibility about your event.

You are free to design posters yourself, but if you would like a professionally designed poster, contact your University Communication specialist. (Approximate cost is $120 for 75. Lead time is one month.)

Plan for about 75–80 posters for distribution around campus. Posters will be removed during Christmas break.


SUB, Gwinn Commons, and Weter Hall

  • The BRANCH, located in Weter Hall, will approve only six posters for the SUB (three posters anywhere space is available), Gwinn Commons (one poster on the main board at entrance), and Weter Hall (two posters anywhere space is available).
  • Posters should be posted only in designated areas, and may not be affixed to walls, light poles, trees, windows, doors, or other non-designated areas.
  • Remember to bring tape, stapler, push pins, and sticky tack to hang the posters.

Other buildings

  • Alexander: Two (must get permission from SOT office manger on first floor).
  • Art Center: One (must get permission from administrator on first floor).
  • Bertona: Two (find empty space on a bulletin board).
  • Brougham Pavilion: One (next to the weight room main entrance). 
  • Crawford: Two (tape next to music bulletin board upon entrance).
  • Cremona:  Two (one on the first floor next to stairs; one next to the elevator upon entrance).
  • Demaray: Two (one each on floors two and three, on any bulletin board).
  • Eaton: Two (one on first floor next to stairs, one on second floor next to stairs or elevator).
  • Library: One (give to librarian at the check-out desk, and the librarian will hang it up).
  • Marston: Two (one each on floor by entrance; one in stairwell between floors two and three).
  • McKenna:  One (must get permission from SBGE administrator assistant upstairs).
  • Otto Miller: Three (give to administrator on first floor, who will hang it up).
  • Peterson: One (must get permission from office administrator).
  • Residence halls: Take posters to the Residence Life Office on the second floor of the SUB. They will distribute the posters to RLCs, who will distribute them to RAs. 47 for residence hall floors and lobbies, and one for campus housing and apartment areas.


Tables located at the entrance to Gwinn Commons and in the SUB can be reserved.

  • Can be reserved through EMS. They prefer two weeks in advance.
  • You’ll receive a Unicom Vendor Contract by email. 
  • Contact: The Office of Student Involvement and Leadership at 206-281-2247.

Table Tents

In the SUB

Tables in the SUB, including the Gazebo Room, are managed by the Office of Student Involvement and Leadership.

  • Table tents are permitted on the tables.
  • Quantity: Approximately 20 tables outside of food court. (The Gazebo Room is currently closed.) 
  • Contact Chuck Strawn, dean of Students for Community Life, at

In Gwinn Commons

Campus Dining Services oversees the napkin holder inserts and the digital displays in Gwinn Commons. Contact Mike Fuda, operations manager, at

Sandwich Boards

If you have a reoccurring event, or frequently host events, you may want to consider purchasing sandwich boards to place around campus.

One office that uses these effectively is Undergraduate Admissions. Contact the UGA Visit and Events team at to ask for  recommendations on sandwich boards and placement around campus. 

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