E: sbge@spu.edu
P: 206-281-2970
O: McKenna Hall

Edgell Faith at Work Prize

Margaret Edgell Faith at Work Prize Banner

As a professor committed to supporting students’ efforts to live for Christ in the business world, the late Margaret Edgell launched the Faith at Work Prize.  With funding from friends, the prize benefits and encourages students committed to faith integration in business. 

Faith at Work Prize Submission Categories

Submissions can be one of three broad categories – projects, stories, or a business evaluative tool.
Projects are discrete, time-bound undertakings by students wishing to accomplish a clear and specific goal for a given audience, community or organization. For example, mentoring an entrepreneur in a specific business start-up or connecting overlooked farmers or artisans to markets.
Story or Bio:

This could be a short biography of a manager who is exemplary at bringing his or her Christian values into his or her business life. These could be case studies of how a person’s faith is lived out in the business arena. For example, a biography of the owner of Chick-fil-A and how his faith has inspired his business practices and what impacts these have had on his bottom line.
Business Evaluative Tool:
A formal tool that enables businesses to evaluate how they are building the Kingdom and improving business practices. This tool helps businesses realign themselves according to Christian business principles.

Past Edgell Prize Winners

1st: Daniel Tolstrup, Madison Drew, and Elizabeth Saylor
2nd: Jon Galgalo, Paul Kim, and Jon Parkin
3rd: Ashley Stephens

1st: Kayla Nowrocki and Peyton Lindsley
2nd: Daniel Baldridge
3rd: Luke Hamlin and Will Parker

Seattle Pacific University Faith At Work Prize 2013

Peyton Lindsley and Kayla Nowrocki1st prize: Kayla Nowrocki and Peyton Lindsley, “Surfing the Nations
My name is Peyton Lindsley and my partner on the project was Kayla Nawrocki.  Our project’s name is called “Surfing the Nations”.  Basically we made a video that explained how the organization “Surfing the Nations” was founded.  It was founded by a Christian named Tom Bauer.  We wanted to do this project on this organization because we believe it has grown so fast and is so successful because God’s hand is on it.  Surfing the Nations isn’t a Christian organization, they only do humanitarian work.  They spread the gospel by their actions rather than preaching it.  Both Kayla and I learned a lot doing this project.  The one thing that really stuck with me is the fact that just showing Jesus’s love is enough to bring people to Christ. Also, in the business world, good morals are hard to find.  It was comforting knowing that there are businesses out their doing well without making selfish decisions.

2nd Prize: Daniel Baldridge, “Krochet Kids” [Video private]
When given this project I was intrigued by the unique opportunity, to make a video on a company publicly recognized for their Christian leadership. Honestly if I were given the choice on whether or not to make a video or just a PowerPoint presentation I would have chosen the PowerPoint, leaving so much potential on the table. I had never worked on a project individually that I was this proud of. Through the long process of creating my video I was challenged to look deeper into the company itself. Krochet Kids is a phenomenal company that gives business opportunities to persons living in third world countries. The company was also founded right here in Seattle, by some university students several years ago. I could not think of a better company to choose. Below I posted a link to the video which will explain more of who Krochet Kids is, and what the stand for. Currently I am undecided on what I will do with the funding from the award. I would like to use a very small portion of the award to buy a Krochet Kids beanie, to show my support for the cause. With the rest I will either put it towards tuition, or give it back to my parents for all that they have given me. My parents have been unbelievably supportive mentally, spiritually, and financially through my college endeavor. When financially possible I would like to give back to them to show my appreciation.  

3rd Prize: Luke Hamlin and Will Parker, “Xpedx Paper Company
Our project was an interview with the vice president of Xpedx, a paper company that does business on the west coast. The vice president talked to us about how he conducts his faith in the workplace and how it aids his decisions in when it comes to budgets, letting people go, hiring and management decisions. This award was interesting because it required students (Will and I) to go out and find Christianity in the workplaces. It was evident that God is working everywhere and that he is using anyone who listens for his disciples. What I have learned from this project is that God works in the strangest of places and no matter what rank of the person in the company, God works in them. Thank you. Your generosity and support is a blessing.

Dr. Margaret Sampson Edgell: A Legacy of Faith at Work

As an adjunct faculty member at SPU, Dr. Margaret Sampson Edgell taught and wrote a great deal about the integration of Christian faith and business. She had a strong desire to see students live for Christ in the business world.

Edgell was obviously well-qualified to stake a claim in both commerce and the classroom, with an undergraduate degree in international relations from Stanford University, a master’s degree in international affairs from Columbia University, and a doctorate from the Higher, Adult, and Lifelong education (HALE) program at Michigan State University.

She also brought with her a broad experience, having previously worked for the U.S. Treasury as an international economist/trade specialist, developing and negotiating government industrial policy in finance. She was the founder and president of International Economics Inc., consulting in export-import business, high-tech management, accreditation and practice of business education, writing, and editing. An accomplished writer, she enjoyed writing fantasy fiction and was a founding board member of the Northwest Christian Writers Association.

Edgell’s research with business students showed that Christian students mature in their chosen disciplines differently than other students. Her findings are in a book she co-authored with Johan Hegeman and Henk Jochemsen, Practice and Profile: Christian Formation for Vocation.

Friends and colleagues remember her as a woman of prayer, a unifier, a calming presence, a professor devoted to students, and a person others aspired to be. She liked salsa lessons and cross-country ski trips arranged through her church.
Ultimately she established the Margaret Edgell Faith at Work Prize Endowment to encourage students to investigate the integration of faith and work. This endowment, once fully funded, will make a distribution each year to fund the Margaret Edgell Faith at Work Prize. Recipients are selected based on a class project in which teams each submit a video report of a business they studied that exemplifies the integration of Christian faith and business. Winning projects are voted on by classmates and professors.

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Nicole Beck

Learn about student Nicole Beck and her financial analyst internship at Amazon.com.